Sarah Miller Espinosa, J.D.
Labor Arbitrator. Mediator. Ombuds.
National Academy of Arbitrators
College of Labor and Employment Lawyers
Labor Arbitrator. Mediator. Ombuds.
National Academy of Arbitrators
College of Labor and Employment Lawyers
Sarah Miller Espinosa, J.D., is a labor arbitrator, mediator, and organizational ombuds. Sarah is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators and a fellow of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. Sarah is listed on a number of labor arbitration rosters and panels, including those administered by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the American Arbitration Association, the National Mediation Board, DC PERB, NJ PERC, and NY PERB. Sarah also serves as the Impartial Labor Relations Administrator for Arlington County Virginia, Fairfax County Virginia, Fairfax County Public Schools, Prince William County Virginia, City of Charlottesville Virginia, and Montgomery County Government in Maryland. Sarah serves on various permanent arbitration panels. Sarah holds a part-time appointment as a senior extension associate at the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution at Cornell University, where she teaches professional development courses and programs, including Ethics in Mediation and Arbitration, Employment Law Mediation Training, and the Labor Arbitrator Development Program. She is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations and the University of Connecticut School of Law.
Sarah Espinosa has over twenty-five years experience and expertise in the field of labor relations. Sarah has been entrusted by the parties to serve as a labor arbitrator in hundreds of matters since 2013. Prior to establishing SME Dispute Resolution, LLC, Sarah served in a variety of roles, including vice president of human resources, director of labor relations, chief negotiator, and as a mediator and assistant general counsel for the Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration and the State of Connecticut Board of Labor Relations.
Sarah Espinosa specializes in the mediation and resolution of workplace and regulatory disputes and practices in accordance with the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators and the ACR Ethical Principles. Sarah is listed on a number of mediation rosters and panels, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ADR Panel, EEOC RESOLVE, and the Cornell Roster of Neutrals, in addition to accepting ad hoc mediation appointments. Sarah previously served as a full-time mediator with the Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration, where she assisted public sector employers and unions in the resolution of collective bargaining impasses.
Sarah Espinosa assists organizations in the establishment of organizational ombuds programs and serves as an organizational ombuds, providing impartial and independent assistance in the resolution of issues and concerns in accordance with the International Ombuds Association Code of Ethics. In this work, Sarah has collaborated with stakeholders at a variety of organizations, including at a multi-campus community college, public school division, and associations. Sarah is a Certified Organizational Ombuds Practitioner.
National Academy of Arbitrators, Member (2020 - Present); College of Labor and Employment Lawyers, Fellow (2024 - Present); Labor & Employment Relations Association, Dispute Resolution Interest Section, Ombuds Practice Lead; LERA Virginia Chapter, Past President, Board Member (2021 - 2025), Member (2021-Present); Ray Corollary Initiative (RCI, Inc.), Board Member (2021-Present) and Board Secretary (2021-2023); LERA Maryland Chapter, Member; Association for Conflict Resolution, Member and past ACR Ethics Committee Co-Chair (2017-2023); Society of Federal Labor & Employee Relations Professionals , Member; American Bar Association, Labor & Employment Law Section & Dispute Resolution Section, Member; International Ombuds Association, Member.
2024: "Virginia Public Sector Collective Bargaining Update", Panelist, Virginia LERA; "Inclusive Next Generation of Neutrals", Moderator, Labor & Employment Relations Association Annual Conference; "Ray Corollary Initiative", Moderator, Labor & Employment Relations Association Annual Conference
2023: “Developments in Arbitrator & Mediator Selection: Generational Change and Technology”, Panelist, American Bar Association 17th Annual Labor & Employment Law Conference; “Virginia Public Sector Collective Bargaining Update”, Moderator, Virginia LERA Second Annual Conference; “Inclusive Next Generation of Workplace Neutrals”, Panelist, Scheinman Institute, Cornell University ILR School, ILR-NAA Conference, “Promoting an Inclusive Next Generation of Workplace Neutrals”; “Organizational Ombuds: Who Ombuds Are, What Ombuds Do, How Ombuds Benefit the Workplace”, Moderator, Virginia LERA
2022: “Direct and Cross Examination”, Panelist, American Arbitration Association Educational Services; “Achieving Diversity in Labor Arbitrator Selection”, Moderator, Labor & Employment Relations Association Annual Conference; “Virginia Public Sector Collective Bargaining”, Speaker, Maryland LERA
2021: “Red Light/Green Light” Arbitrator Panel, Panelist, FMCS Symposium; “Ombuds & the Future of Dispute Resolution”, Moderator, LERA Dispute Resolution Interest Section Virtual Series on the Future of Dispute Resolution
2020: “Organizational Ombuds”, Panelist, ADR Roundtable Discussion, Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution Cornell University ILR School
2019: “Ask the Arbitrators”, Panelist, American Arbitration Association, Successful Labor Arbitration Techniques; “Ombuds Office: One Way to Partner in a Post-Janus World?”, Panel Moderator, Labor & Employment Relations Association Annual Conference; “Disciplinary Issues”, Panel Moderator, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions Annual Conference; “Evidentiary Issues in Federal Sector Arbitration”, Panel Discussion, Society of Federal Labor and Employee Relations Professionals Symposium; “Finding a Seat at the Table: Enhancing Ombuds Impact”, Co-Presenter, International Ombudsman Association Conference
2018: “The Organizational Ombuds: Enhancing Government Through Conflict Resolution”, ABA Just Resolutions Newsletter, September 2018; “Discipline in the Federal Sector”, Moderator at SFLERP Symposium; “Can an Ombuds Office help resolve conflict and positively impact labor relations?”, Moderator at Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions Annual Conference; “Labor Relations: The Basics of Just Cause for Conflict Resolvers”, Co-Presenter at the International Ombudsman Association Annual Conference 2018, Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution Annual Conference, 2017, and Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, 2016
2017: “Ask the Arbitrators”, Panel Discussion at Successful Techniques in Labor Arbitration Symposium, American Arbitration Association/National Academy of Arbitrators, Philadelphia, November 2017; “Contract Language Interpretation in the Federal Sector”, Panelist, SFLERP Symposium; “A Discussion of ACR Ethical Principles Across Workplace Practice Areas”, Moderator, ACR Webinar
2016: “Options for Resolving Conflict”, Montgomery College; “Ask the Arbitrators”, Panelist, Maryland LERA
2015: “Organizational Ombuds: Roles, Responsibilities, and Opportunities”, Panelist, Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference, 2015
2014: “Mediation and Arbitration in Public Sector Collective Bargaining”, ACResolution Magazine, Summer 2
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